Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sorry Sorry Sorry

The only morning first day of school pictures. I'll take more this afternoon, I promise!

The Queen of self portratits.

She takes like 10 that make me smile and giggle, and then pops in a beautiful shot like this! I love this girly.

I took this one. Blurry of course, don't know what my deal is.


Susan's 365 said...

These kids of our are just growing up way too fast! Great photos.

Amanda said...

Yes, they are growing up fast. I like the self portrait with the Cabbage Patch Kid. Cadence loves to play with my CPK preemie doll, but that's mostly because she likes to steal his pacifier.

What grades are they in now?

Kitty said...

okay, the self-portrait cracks me up...her eyes are unbelievable!


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