Sunday, June 1, 2008

The last few days.

A bunch of pics over the last few days. Sorry I've been inconsistent my lovely readers....

Me and my 7 yr old boy

Singing happy birthday (Jake, grammy, MG, Great grandma Jeanne, Great Grandma Jo, Clara)

Static hair. John is clearly transfixed with Clara's hair

Looking sweet while "on deck"

Jake and Amanda. Best of friends
Clara and Kennedy--the only girls at the par-tay
Chaos that is opening presents
Jake and some friends at his class party


Chelle Y. said...

I love the one of you and Jacob!

Renfield said...

Happy Birthday, Jake!!

I love that picture of Clara on the slide with the crazy hair =)

Tink said...

I love the one of the girls in the present/bag. :)

Anonymous said...


Amanda said...

Mary I just can't believe you have a seven year old! I love the static hair picture on the slide. You kids are so photogenic!


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